Patent Law – The Patent Troll Update: News and Strategy – Summer 2012

Here’s the latest on news and views on the patent troll front (for our last update, see this):

A Boston University study finds that patent trolls cost American companies $29 billion in 2011 (for the actual study, see this).

The Electronic Frontier Foundation launched a new campaign, Defend Innovation, to reform software patent law (we previously posted on one aspect of this topic here).

Twitter pledges that if it ever files a patent infringement lawsuit, it will only be for “offensive” purposes. was sued for patent infringement and settled without paying anything, here’s how they did it.

This is a work in progress, but Chicago-Kent School of Law Professor David Schwartz is studying the methods of patent contingency fee attorneys, see the draft version here: this will be important in improving patent defense strategy in the future.

Finally, weighs in again on patent trolls.

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