Most of the recent action concerning California ADA lawsuits revolves around California Senate Bill (SB) 1186. This bill would reduce the amount of recoverable damages in certain situations (the exact particulars are still being debated but what is being discussed includes situations where the defendant corrects violations within a certain time or whether a certified access specialist is hired or whether construction was approved by a building department), restrict pre-lawsuit demand letters, and impose other procedural requirements. For the latest on SB 1186, click here. For an article on SB 1186, click here.
In the meantime, here’s other coverage on recent ADA lawsuits:
Businesses around Corning the target of ADA lawsuits.
More San Francisco ADA lawsuits.
A West Covina bar owner is the target of multiple ADA lawsuits.
Finally, a blog post from a website from a company that makes wheelchair seat cushions.
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